In the dynamic landscape of e-commerce, the mode of communication between sellers and buyers has a profound impact on the overall shopping experience. The emergence of live chat services and the increasing prevalence of AI-assisted chatbots such as Shopmate have introduced new dimensions to this interaction. Understanding how these different forms of live chat influence the perceived social presence and trust of buyers is crucial for e-commerce success.

I. The Concept of Perceived Social Presence in Live Chat
1.Human-to-Human Live Chat
- Personalized Interaction: When buyers engage in live chat with a human seller via Shopmate, they experience a sense of personal connection. For example, the seller can address the buyer by name, ask about their specific needs, and offer tailored recommendations. This personalized touch gives the buyer a feeling that they are interacting with a real, attentive individual, enhancing the perceived social presence.
- Emotional Connection: Human sellers can convey emotions such as empathy and enthusiasm. If a buyer has a concern about a product, the seller can express understanding and offer solutions in a warm and friendly manner. This emotional exchange creates a stronger bond and makes the buyer feel more involved in the interaction, contributing to a higher perception of social presence.
2. AI-Assisted Chatbot
- Scripted Responses: Shopmate operates based on pre-programmed algorithms and responses. While it can provide quick answers to common questions, it may lack the spontaneity and personalization of a human interaction. For example, its greetings and responses may seem more formulaic, which can lead to a relatively lower perception of social presence compared to human-to-human live chat.
- Limited Emotional Understanding: Chatbots have difficulty understanding and responding to complex emotions. If a buyer is frustrated or excited about a product, Shopmate may not be able to fully grasp the emotional context and respond appropriately. This can make the interaction feel more mechanical and less socially engaging.
II. The Link between Perceived Social Presence and Trust
1.In Human-to-Human Live Chat
- Trust through Reliability: When a buyer perceives a high social presence in the interaction with a human seller via Shopmate, they are more likely to trust the seller’s information. For example, if the seller provides details about a product’s quality or shipping times, the buyer is more inclined to believe it because they feel a personal connection and assume the seller has their best interests at heart.
- Trust Building over Time: A series of positive, socially rich interactions with a human seller can build long-term trust. The buyer may become a repeat customer and recommend the seller to others based on their past experiences of feeling valued and understood during live chat sessions.

2. In AI-Assisted Chatbot Interaction
- Initial Trust Based on Functionality: Buyers may trust Shopmate to provide accurate information about basic product features and order details. For example, if a buyer asks about a product’s specifications, the chatbot can quickly retrieve and present the data. However, this trust is more limited and may be easily shaken if the chatbot makes a mistake or fails to understand a complex query.
- Lack of Deep Trust Formation: Due to the relatively lower social presence, it is more difficult for a chatbot to build the kind of deep, emotional trust that a human seller can. Buyers may be hesitant to share sensitive information or rely on the chatbot for complex problem-solving, which can limit the overall trust relationship.
III. The Influence on Live Chat Adoption Intention
1.For Human-to-Human Live Chat
- Positive Adoption due to Social Experience: If buyers have a pleasant and socially engaging experience with Shopmate, they are more likely to seek out live chat in future shopping experiences. For example, a buyer who had a great conversation with a human seller about a product and received excellent service will be more inclined to use live chat again when shopping on the same or other e-commerce platforms.
- Word-of-Mouth and Adoption Spread: Satisfied buyers may also encourage others to use live chat. They can share their positive experiences with friends and family, leading to a wider adoption of live chat as a preferred communication method in e-commerce.
2. For AI-Assisted Chatbot
- Adoption for Convenience: Buyers may adopt Shopmate mainly for its convenience and quick access to information. For example, if they have a simple question about a product’s availability and don’t want to wait for a human response, they may turn to the chatbot. However, if the chatbot’s performance is subpar or the interaction is not satisfactory, they may quickly abandon its use and look for alternative communication methods.
- Limited Long-Term Adoption without Improvement: Without continuous improvement in its ability to create a more social and engaging experience, the long-term adoption of Shopmate may be limited. Buyers may only use it as a last resort or for very basic inquiries.

In conclusion, the type of live chat, whether it’s human-to-human or AI-assisted like Shopmate, has a significant impact on the perceived social presence and trust of e-commerce buyers. While human-to-human live chat offers a more personalized and emotionally rich experience that can lead to stronger trust and higher adoption intention, AI-assisted chatbots have their own advantages in terms of speed and basic information provision. E-commerce managers and researchers need to be aware of these differences and work towards optimizing both forms of live chat. For example, they can train human sellers to enhance their social presence and improve chatbot algorithms to make them more socially engaging. By doing so, they can enhance the overall shopping experience, build stronger customer relationships, and drive the success of e-commerce businesses in an increasingly competitive market.